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来源: / 发布时间:2024-09-04 16:57:22 / 浏览次数:

本文摘要:Facebook is working on a new website called “Facebook at Work” to get a foothold in the office that will see the social network of more than 1bn people compete directly with Google, Microsoft and LinkedIn .Facebook正在研发一个取名为“Facebook at Work”的全新网站,以此取得在办公领域的立足之地。

Facebook is working on a new website called “Facebook at Work” to get a foothold in the office that will see the social network of more than 1bn people compete directly with Google, Microsoft and LinkedIn .Facebook正在研发一个取名为“Facebook at Work”的全新网站,以此取得在办公领域的立足之地。这个用户数多达10亿的社交网站,将在该领域与谷歌(Google)、微软公司(Microsoft)和领英(LinkedIn)进行必要竞争。The Silicon Valley company is developing a new product designed to allow users to chat with colleagues, connect with professional contacts and collaborate over documents, competing with Google Drive and Microsoft Office, according to people familiar with the matter.知情人士称之为,这家硅谷公司正在研发一项新产品,其设计目的是让用户可以与同事聊天、与业内人脉交流,以及协同已完成文件,从而与Google Drive和微软公司办公软件Microsoft Office进行竞争。The new site will look like Facebook, with a news feed and groups, but will allow users to keep their personal profile with holiday photos, political rants and silly videos separate from work. Facebook declined to comment.新的网站将与Facebook形如,享有信息流和群组分类,不过将容许用户把包括渡假照片、政治言论和娱乐视频的个人资料屏蔽在工作之外。

Facebook拒绝接受早已置评。Facebook employees have long used the site in their daily work, and expanding this to other companies has been discussed for some time. The project began in earnest during the past year and is being tested with companies as its launch approaches. Some of the engineers developing Facebook at Work are based in London.Facebook的员工长久以来仍然在日常工作中用于这一网站,将此推展给其他公司的点子早已辩论了一段时间。

过去一年来,这一项目开始步入正规化,目前正在一些公司试用,估算旋即就不会通车。研发Facebook at Work的一部分工程师坐落于伦敦。

Facebook’s new product could take market share from LinkedIn, the social network for professionals with 90m active monthly users. LinkedIn has become the dominant site for online business networking, but Facebook at Work could also challenge Google’s drive, email and chat products and Microsoft’s Outlook email service, Office software and Yammer, the corporate social network it bought for $1.2bn in 2012.Facebook的新产品可能会抢走攻占英的市场份额。领英是一家为专业人士获取服务的社交网站,月均活跃用户数约9000万。领英已沦为在线商务交流领域最重要的网站,不过Facebook at Work有可能也不会挑战谷歌旗下的Drive、电子邮件和聊天类产品,并叫板微软公司的Outlook电子邮件服务、Office软件、及其2012年以12亿美元并购的企业社交网络Yammer。

